Firebird Foundation For Anthropological Research

Research Grants
2022 -


Name Institution Project Group/Location Language Group Date Granted

North America
Angulo, Roberto Carlos Pacheco Universidad Autonoma "Benito Juarez" de Oxaca/San Pedro Oxumacin A documentation of Ozumacin Chinantec oral traditions Chinantec language of San Pedro Ozumacín, Ayotzintepec, Oaxaca, Mexico Chinantec 2023-02-15
Beam de Azcoma, Rosemary Escuela Nacional de Antropologie e Historia, Mexico City A test corpus including environmental knowledge in the highly endangered Tlacolulita Zapotec language Zapotec of Asuncion Tlacolulita, Oaxaca, Mexico Tlacolulita Zapotec 2023-06-26
Cook, Suzanne University of Victoria, BC The Forest of Lacandon Maya: An ethnozoological guide Naha', Metzabok, lacana', Chansayab, Chiapas, Mexico Lacandon 2023-06-26
Viernes, Guillem Belmar University of California, Santa Barbara; Community member Mixtepec Mixtec Traditional worldview and ecological knowledge in Mixtepec Mixtec Mixtepec Mixtec.Municipality of San Juan Mixtepec, district of Juxtlahuaca, state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mixtepec Mixtec 2024-02-14
North American Arctic
Toor, Jeevan University College London, University of Manitoba, Inuit Community in Winnipeg, Manitoba Inuit Association Inuit Youth in Manitoba: What is the Connection Between Environment and Qanuinngitsiarutiksait? Intuit from the Manitoba and Nunavut regions, Canada Inuit 2024-02-14
Central America
South America
Arias, Noemy Condori University of California, Santa Barbara, Community member Vacas Municipality Sharing Our Knowledge Before It's Too Late Vacas, Cochbamba, Bolivia South Bolivian Quecha 2024-02-14
Cardoso, Joao Marcos Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil Incantations and origin narratives of Kotiria people: intertwinings of two genres of oral literature Kotiria people, Caruru Cachoeira village, Upper Rio Negro region, Northwest Amazon, Brazil Kotiria 2024-02-14
Castelnuovo Biraben, Natalia Universidad de Buenos Aires Over the Pilcomayo's river and monte influence: Indigenous Peoples' of northwest Argentina Departmento Rivadavia, Salta province, Gran Chaco Argentina Wichi, Chorote, Qom, Chulupi, and Tapiete 2023-06-26
Gallinate, Gabriel University of Texas at Austin Documentation of the Ese Eija Oral Literature and Ecological Knowledge Bolivia Takanan 2024-02-14
Ginebra, David Autonomous University of Barcelona Connecting the Colombian Yaruro with their Venezuuelan ancestors: phase 1 Yaruro and Yamalero, Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, Columbia Yaruro and Yamalero 2023-02-15
Hecht, Ana Carolina Universidad de Buenos Aires Documenting the Oral Literature of the Toba/Qom people through a series of podcasts Chaco, Buenos Aires, Argentina Toba/Qom 2024-02-14
Ozuna, Andŕes Union of Ishir Nationa Indigenous Communities; Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages; the Ethno-ornithology World Atlas Ishir Oral Literatures and Ecological Knowledge in the Paraguayan Pantanal Ishir Communities along Paraguay River, Paraguay Ishir 2022-07-12
Rendon, Jorge Gomez Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Ecuador/ Organization of Secoya Nation of Ecuador Documentation of formulas (uja) and Sacred chants (wina) of Secoya oral tradition Secoya, Northwestern Amazon, Equador Secoya 2023-02-15
European Arctic
Eastern Europe
Constantin, Marin Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology Ethnoecological Narratives among Transhumant Herders in Romania Romanians, Jina, Poiana Sibiului, Tilisca, South Transylvania, Romania Romanian 2022-07-12
Northern Africa
Garaoun, Massinissa Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Documentation of Tâmmusht Oral literature: an endangered Amazigh Language from northeastern Algeria Algeria Tâmmusht 2024-02-14
Krajcik, Chelsea Centre de Jeunesse de Brin Multimodal Collection of Joola Kujireray Childrearing Stories Joola Kujireray, Brin, southern Casamance, Senegal Joola Kujireray 2024-02-14
Naciri, Mohamed Ait Toumert, Ait Bouguemez communities Documenting Oral Poetry Among the Ait Toumet, southeast Morocco Ait Toumert region, Draa Tafilalt, Morocco Tashelhit Berber 2024-02-14
Central Africa
Abamwa, Oghenekevwe Edoid Cultural Heritage Enterprise Narratives of the Pottery Traditions and Traditional Agriculture and Food Systems of the Women of Oto-Edo. Oto-Edo in Delta State, Nigeria Ughievwen dialect of Urhobo language 2023-06-26
Akpan, Aniefon Daniel National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria Documentation of traditional Ekid women folksongs Ebana village, Eket, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Ekid 2023-02-15
Akpomedaye, Emily Indigenous Crafts Productions Documentation of the Historical Accounts and Life History Narratives of the Vernacular Architecture and Architects of Edjekota Edjekota, Delta State, Nigeria Edjekota 2023-02-15
Darah, Godini G. Ughievwen Clan Documentation of the Egbada Ritual War Songs and Life History Narratives of Ughhievwen Clan, Nigeria Ughievwen Clan, Delta State, Nigeria Ughievwen dialect of Urhobo language 2023-02-15
Eyakenaoma, Ememerhaghwara Eghweya (Womenfolk of) Ekr'Isheri Quarters, Ewu Documentation of the Traditional Feminist Narratives and Dirges of Ewu in Nigeria Ewu, Delta State, Nigeria Ewu dialect or Urhobo language 2023-02-22
Harvey, Andrew University of Bayreuth, Germany/Indiana University, Bloomington A Hadza-Led Language Documentation Project Tanzania Hadza 2023-02-15
Odiete, Patience Edoid Cultural Heritage Enterprise Documentation of the Ethno-communication system and Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Eruemukohwarien Delta State, Nigeria Eruemukohwarien 2023-02-15
Odogun, Oghenenyerhovwo Agbarho Community Documentation and Preservation of the Traditional Medicinal and Ecological Knowledge of Agbarho in Nigeria Agbarho Clan, Urhobo Linguistics Group, Delta State Nigeria Agbarho dialect, Urhobo Linguistic group 2022-07-12
Southern Africa
Biesele, Megan Kalahari Peoples Fund Ju/'hoan San Oral Literature Collection VII: Life Histories of Traditional Healers Ju/'hoan San, N+heim, Western Ngamiland, Botswana Ju/'hoan San 2022-07-12
Biesele, Megan Kalahari Peoples Fund; NyaeNgae Conservancy Ju'hoan San Oral Literature Collection VIII, Healers' Life Histories and Traditional Stories Ju/'hoan San, Ntheim, Botswana and Tsumkwe, Otijisondjupa, Namibia Ju/'hoan San 2024-02-14
Machiridza, Lesley Hatipone Great Zimbabwe University Rozvi Ethno-biographies, Identities and Cryptograms: Towards a Historical Archaeology of South-western Zimbabwe South-western Zimbabwe Rozvi 2022-07-12
East Asia
Dordzhieva, Ghilyana Mongol-American Cultural Association Collecting and documenting oral narratives and music of Torgus in Mongolia and Kalmyk Republic Mongolia and Kalmyk Republic of Russian Federation. Torgud dialect of the Kalmyk-Oirat language 2023-06-26
Fu, Xiyao Yale School of the Environment Traditional ecological knowledge and practices of seed savers in Southwest China Ethnic minorities in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi Provinces of China Southwestern Mandarin 2023-02-15
Gates. Jesse Nankai University The video documentation of Kyomkyo oral literature and ecological knowledge Kyomkyo Situ Gyalrong, Kyomkyo Townshio, Mbarkham County, Ngawa Prefecture Sichuan Province China Kyomkyo 2023-06-26
Hu, Junhan Yale University Rethinking Human-nature Relationships Through Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Indigenous Conservation NGOs on the Tibetan Plateau Tibetan Plateau,China Tibetan 2023-02-15
Zhanfeng, Song Huaxiu Community Dpa' ris Tibetan Texts for Annotation Zhuaxixiulong Township, Dpa' ris (Tianzhu) Tibetan Autonomous County, Wuei City, Gansu Province, PR China Dpa' ris Tibetan 2022-07-12
South Asia
Awan, Mechek Sampar Chiru Tribe Documenting and Revitalizing the Critically Endangered Folk Culture of Chiru Tribe Chiru, Manipur India Chiru 2022-07-12
Bodt, Timotheus Adrianus SOAS University of London Documentation of the Kusunda Ghantu Nac of Nepal Guruṅ ethnic group, Rāinaskōṭ village, Lamjung district, Gandaki province, Nepal Gurung 2023-02-15
Delley, Razzeko Jomin Tayeng Gov. Model Degree College Roing Arunachal Pradesh Documentation of Four Minor Shamanic Rituals and Laments of the Idu Mishmi Arunachal Pradesh, India Idu Mishmi 2022-07-12
Geerling, Anna The Highland Institute Revitalising Oral and Practical (Cosmological) Pedagogies Managing Socio-Ecological and Spiritual Relations Among Tenyimia Nagas Tenyimia Nagas, Nagaland Tenyidie, Chokri, Kezha, Zeme, Rongmei, Liangmai. 2023-06-26
Gurung, Phurwa University of Colorado Boulder, USA Documenting the Spatial Dimensions of Oral Literature and Traditional Ecological Knowledge among Dolpopa in Northwest Nepal Dolpopa, Dho Tarap valley, Dolpo, Nepal Dolpopa 2023-02-15
Haokip, Pauthang Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi Documentation of Rongmei Agricultural Knowledge and Practices Rongmei Naga, Barak Valley Assam and Manipur, India Rongmei 2022-07-12
Jamir. Tiatoshi Nagaland University Folklore and Oral History of Naga Secondary Burial Tradition Nagaland, India Naga 2022-07-12
Medhi, Bidyum Kumar John Hopkins University Earthworms, Elephants, Tigers, and Humans:Audio-Visual Documentation of the more-than-human Ecologies in Karbi Oral Literature Karbi Anglong, West Karbi Anglong, Nagaon, and Kamrup districts fo Assam, northeast India Karbi 2024-02-14
Poske, Christian The Highland Institute, Kohima Restudying the Angami, Rengma, Chirr, Longfurr, Makuri, Phelunger, Linagmai, Zeme, and Rongmei songs of Thomas Kaiser's Nagaland Recordings Naga Communities in India Naga 2022-07-12
Rastogi, Kavita University of Lucknow Documenting Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Raji/Banraji Community of India Uttarakhand, India Raji 2022-07-12
Rehman, Khawaja A. Dept of Higher Education Colleges, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Documentation of Oral Traditions of Hindko Speakers in the Neelam District of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan Neelam District of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan Hindko 2022-07-12
SanGregory, Erin University of Oregon; SIL International Language Documentation and Grammatical Description of Afghan Wakhi Wakhan District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan Afghan Wakhi 2024-02-14
Southeast Asia
Danerek, Stefan Oral Traditions Association/speaker of Palu'e Documenting and Curating Palu'e Traditions Palu'e Island, Indonesia Palu'e 2022-07-12
Drayton, Holly Universiti Brunei Darussalam/Newcastle University, UK Documentation of the Oral Literatures of four Lower Baram communities in Brunei and Sarawak (Blait, Narum, Kiput and Miriek), North Borneo Lower Baram communities in Brunei and Sarawak (Blait, Narum, Kiput and Miriek), North Borneo Belait, Narum, Kiput, Miriek 2023-06-26
Drummond, Emily University of California, Berkeley Preservation of traditional Nukuro knowledge Nukuoro communities in Kolonia, Pohnpei and Nukuoro Atoll, Pompei State, Federated States of Micronesia Nukuro 2023-02-15
Huang, Wayne Dept of Anthro, U of CA, Santa Cruz; Kerinci Studies Community Paddy and Garden: Agricultural Oral Traditions and Botanical Knowledge in Kerinci Koto Majidin Village, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia Kerinci 2024-02-14
Morgan, Stef Mendalam. The Yayasan Linge Hatung Kayan Epic Songs and Traditions West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan; Sarawak, Netherlands and London Kayan 2024-02-14
Novellino, Dario University of Kent Batak Oral Literature Project Batak Cultural Archive, Palawan, Philippines Batak 2022-07-12
Sheppard, Harriet University of Queensland, Australia Documenting Traditional Stories and Songs of the Sudest Dialects, an Oceanic Language of Papua New Guinea Vanatinai and Yeina Islands, Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Sudest 2023-02-15
Research Grants Announcement Application Guidelines Available Here Tributes